Our Digital Collection represents just a fraction of the items we have in our Archives. Our entire collection is available for pre-arranged supervised viewing with a Society member, in the Local History Room, of the Tewksbury Library. In order to protect our collections, photography and writing materials are not allowed in the collections room.
- 1972 Gas Explosion
- Video recording of the September 16, 2024 Tewksbury Historical Society presentation on then 1972 Propane Gas Explosion.
- Scrapbook of letters, photos and other artifacts related to the 1972 Propane Gas Explosion.
- Headlines from the 1972 Tewksbury Propane Gas Explosion.
- More about the 1972 Tewksbury Propane Gas Explosion.
- Artifacts
- General Benjamin Butler Autograph
- Tewksbury-Mac Airport Advertisement
- Wamesit Drive-In Ticket
- Books
- ‘Anne Sullivan Macy — The Story Behind Helen Keller’, Nella Braddy, 1938.
- ‘Ask Now of the Days That Are Past: A History of the Town of Tewksbury, 1734 — 1964’, Harold J. Patten, 1964.
- ‘Carnation Capital’, Nancy Reed, Wilmington/Tewksbury Chamber of Commerce, 2022.
- Excerpt from 1873 the Rev. Elias Nason book ‘Gazetteer of Massachusetts’.
- This Five Hundred and Seventy Six page book contains descriptions of each Town and City in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- Excerpt from ‘History of Middlesex County’, Samuel Drake.
- Excerpt from ‘History of Middlesex County Volume 2’, Lewis, JW
- ‘Tewksbury: A Short History‘, Edward W. Pride, 1888.
- Chronological History of Tewksbury
- Images and Photographs.
- Letters and Other Documents
- 125th Anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Tewksbury, 1968.
- 1903 Riverside Park Explosion
- 1949 Police Chief Commemoration.
- ‘A Brief History of the Founding of the Town of Tewksbury’, 2024
- Tew-Mac Airport.
- Tewksbury Town Hall, Memorial to World War I, 2024.
- ‘The Ice Storm of November, 1921: A Brief Story of its Causes and Effects in Lowell and Vicinity, Particularly with References to the Problem of Maintaining and Restore Electric Service’, The Lowell Electric Light Corporation, 1922.
- ‘Ye Towne Book’ — 200th Anniversary of Tewksbury, 1934.
- Maps
- Newspapers
- 1972 Gas Explosion
- George Gale — Letter and article from the Wilmington Crusader, April, 1960.
- ‘Puck’, Vol XIII — No. 334, 1883.
- An editorial on the conditions at Tewksbury Hospital and the related investigation.
- Official Reports
- Fifth Annual Report of the State Board of Health, Lunacy and Charity of Massachusetts. 1883.
- Tewksbury Vital Records to 1850.
- Presentations
- ‘Outline of the History of the Tewksbury Congregational Church’, Presented by Doug Sears at TCC’s Celebration of its Building’s 100 Year Anniversary, October 18, 2022.
- Tewksbury Gazette (Newsletters)
- Tewksbury Hospital
- Clara Leonard’s 1883 Letter on the Condition of the Tewksbury Hospital.
- Except from ‘The Record of Benjamin Butler — Since his Election of Governor of Massachusetts’ concerning the Tewksbury Almshouse.
- Governor Butler’s Remarks Regarding an Investigation of an Incident at Tewksbury Hospital, 1883.
- Letter to the Editors of ‘The Republican’ Challenging Governor Butler’s Insult to Women, 1883.
- ‘Massachusetts State Board of Charity Institutions’, circa: 1906
- National Registry of Historic Places — Tewksbury Hospital, 1994.
- Observance of the 100th Anniversary of Tewksbury State Hospital and Infirmary, 1954.
- Town Charter