Elle E. Flemings School: Book Launch with Author Bill Pavao
Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Tewksbury Public Library
Sponsored by the Tewksbury Historical Society and the Tewksbury Public Library
TO PRE-ORDER A COPY OF THIS 400+ PAGE BOOK: EMAIL: vpres@tewksburyhistoricalsociety.org
Thanks to the author, Bill Pavao, the Tewksbury Historical Society will receive profits on books that we sell.
2023 Annual Meeting
Thanks to all who joined THS at our annual meeting on June 3, 2023.
Tewksbury Congregational Church Commemorative Plaque Presentation
October, 2022
Tewksbury Historical Society President Doug Sears presents Tewksbury Congregational Church Pastor Rev. Baxter Chism and Church Historian Christopher Jenkins with a commemorative plaque celebrating the 100 year anniversary of TCC’s building.
The plaque contains a postcard of their old facility prior to a fire in 1918.

An Overview of the History of the Tewksbury Congregational Church.
Presented by Doug Sears at TCC’s celebration of their building’s 100th birthday on October 18, 2022.

Carnation Capital

Read Nancy Reed’s article on Tewksbury’s status as the ‘Carnation Capital’ of the World. (Wilmington/Tewksbury Chamber of Commerce, 2022)